Midnight Munchies

We all, young, middle-aged and professionals, usually stay up late because of home chores, late-night movies, or work. If there’s one thing that’s common in all of us, that would be midnight snacks. Oh yes!

Don’t we love to munch on anything we can find on the table or the refrigerator at this time of the night? A midnight snack is very tempting to most of us who stay up late at night. Well, this is an ordinary habit in most of people, sometimes eat to relieve our stress, to fill emotional needs and not cause of hunger. We don’t only snack on chips, cookies crackers, or soft drinks during the day, but also at night. We usually snack on foods that are easy to get and easy to eat like chips and ice cream. But the stuff we get are the ones which contain empty calories and commonly unhealthy. It’s like we have all the guilty pleasures in one sitting. The snack you have in mind may be the ones which can put your health to risk.

Sometimes, more often when we’re in a hurry, we just go grab something to eat, regardless of what it’s made of. This habit won’t provide our body, all the nutrients that it needs. After eating foods that are completely packed with unnecessary nutrients, we may still feel hungry after sometime.

If you can’t stop your midnight snack habits, you can control what you eat at night. Foods can either help you sleep or disturb your sleeping pattern. Heavy meals before bedtime are not advisable, thus; people should fill in their tummies with midnight snacks that are digestible when you are at rest. Eat foods that are light, easy to digest, and healthy for the body. Fill your refrigerator with fresh fruits and some low-fat yogurt.

Fruits are great midnight foods, high in fiber, zero carbs serving and easy to prepare. You can slice up some fruits and eat them with yogurt, or you can do some fruit and yogurt smoothie. Don’t gulp on soft drinks at night; instead grab some fresh fruit juice for a healthy drink. 

You can make tomato salsas beforehand, store these items in refrigerator and once you need something to dip your healthy crackers on, you’ll have a better option.

Nuts, a glass of milk, veg salad, popcorn (without butter of-course), oatmeal, soup etc. are also some healthy options.


  1. i think, my pic on muffin wid chocolate syrup nd choco chip cookies goes with it... :):):)


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