'Building A Robust AI Policy - Top Recommendations'

The last few years have seen incredible growth in the number of people and businesses that are willing to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) for general and special services.

The AI systems can help people acquire a new level of knowledge that can be utilized for designing and development of domestic services, real-time traffic monitoring, enhancing cyber-security, reducing labor, effective healthcare facilities, and other such issues.

The definitive future of AI seems not only promising but enormously significant. Henceforth certain recommendations are necessary to endorse the fair usage of AI.

• Upper Usage Caution: There should be no upper limits when it comes to the future of AI capabilities.
• Importance: Advanced AI represents a bright future and should be managed with the utmost care and resources.
• Consistent Improvement: AI systems allow consistent self-improvement that leads towards perpetual quality. But the feature is also subject to strict protection and control measures.
• Human Machine Alignment: The AI systems should be designed in a way that the goals and behaviors of the machine should align with human values.
•Total Control: Humans should choose how to delegate decisions to AI systems. Humans should remain in enough power to do the quality control as and when it is required.
• Greater Good: Super-intelligence should only be developed in the service of ethical ideals and for the benefit of humanity.

We need to answers AI policy and strategy questions on an urgent basis because implementing solutions could take a long time and some questions are better addressed while AI is less advanced. We can’t rule out the possibility of surprisingly sudden advances.



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